In autumn rose hips have their time to present attractive bright orange to red colors. After the main flowering in summer, roses will develop their hips, accentuating the plant with its bright colors in your garden. You could use these brightly colored fruits also for floral bouquets and there are many tasty recipes for jam or jelly or healthy tea. There are so many possibilities and if you do not use it, the birds will appreciate the tasty hips just like hedgehogs and many other garden dwellers.
There are many forms of hips: like pears, bottles or eggs and many sizes. The hips will glow in orange, red or orange-red and all you need to do is just to leave the scissors in your shed…
bei denen es sich botanisch um Sammelnussfrüchte handelt, sind in der
Küche unglaublich vielseitig in der Verwendung. Ihr hoher Gehalt an
Vitamin C übertrifft bei einigen Sorten sogar die Zitrone. Hagebutten
haben einen intensiv säuerlichen aber angenehm fruchtigen Geschmack. Aus
dem Fruchtmark lassen sich Gelee, Marmelade, Tee oder Chutneys
herstellen. Die Kerne, der Stiel und eventuelle Härchen sollten vorher
jedoch gründlich entfernt werden. Nicht umsonst hat das Innere von
Hagebutten bei Kindern den Ruf perfekt als „Juckpulver“ zu taugen. Den
optimalen Reifezustand haben die Früchte erreicht, wenn sie sich ganz
leicht abzupfen lassen. Außerdem lässt sich die Reife von Hagebutten
daran erkennen, dass ihre Schale auf leichten Fingerdruck nachgibt.
Am Strauch belassen sind die Hagebutten ein reizvoller Gartenschmuck. Sie lassen sich auch floristisch verwenden, indem sie zu einem Kranz gewunden oder einfach in großen Vasen inszeniert werden. Selbst wenn die Früchte nach dem ersten Frost etwas verschrumpelt aussehen, sind sie bei der heimischen Vogelwelt sehr beliebt; liefern die Rosenfrüchte doch reichlich Zucker und Vitamine um dem Winter gelassen entgegen zu sehen. Rosen sind eben nicht nur einfach schön, sondern wahre Wunderwerke der Natur.
Am Strauch belassen sind die Hagebutten ein reizvoller Gartenschmuck. Sie lassen sich auch floristisch verwenden, indem sie zu einem Kranz gewunden oder einfach in großen Vasen inszeniert werden. Selbst wenn die Früchte nach dem ersten Frost etwas verschrumpelt aussehen, sind sie bei der heimischen Vogelwelt sehr beliebt; liefern die Rosenfrüchte doch reichlich Zucker und Vitamine um dem Winter gelassen entgegen zu sehen. Rosen sind eben nicht nur einfach schön, sondern wahre Wunderwerke der Natur.
Average product rating of this category
floribunda rose
Profuse flowering and very healthy shrublet with wide bushy growth habit, semi-doubled, rain resistant flowers. Ideal for mass planting, private gardens of public green.
shrub rose
Roter Korsar®
Very vigorous shrubrose, which can also be planted as a climbing rose under favourite climatic conditions. This rose is captivating due to the luminosity of the flowers which do not blue, High frost-resistance and high resistance to diseases is self-evident in a rose that was decorated ADR (in 2005). Several awards in international rose competitions like the Golden Rose of Hradec and Gold Standard.
climbing rose
Golden Gate®
A climber, which stands apart by its healthy foliage and its vigorous growth as well as with its fruity fragrance. Has been decorated with numerous awards, like the fragrance award in Paris.
Golden Gate has an extraordinary and thrilling fragrance. The head note first reminds one of lime with lemon also present. This develops quickly to a tangy note of freshly cut lemon grass. The heart note is an exotic, tropical scent of green banana. There is a strong flowery nuance of tropical flowers. In the base notes is the impression of ripe banana and the humid tropical rain forest floor which completes the exotic character of this rose fragrance.
Maximum fragrance: at noon, in the evenings
shrub rose
Bushy shrub rose with medium-sized, semi-doubled blooms. The foliage is extremely healthy, growth is first compact then arching, is decorated with beautiful hips in autumn, ADR 2009
floribunda rose
Very intensely colored floribunda, growth habit like a shrublet. Very good for public green, an eye-catching, stable color and very high resistance to diseases. Was named in cooperation with the garden journal "Gartenfreund". ADR 2013 and other awards, like gold medals in La Tacita, Hradec and Lyon.
climbing rose
Bobbie James
This robust climbing rose flowers once a year, but in abundance. Its flowers seem like snow-balls and sometimes you may catch a glance of their yellow stamen.
Floriferous floribunda with open flower in a beautiful colour with compact and upright growth habit.Disease resistance is excellent and good production of rose hips, Decorated with the ADR-label in 2009 and several other awards, like gold medals in La Tacita, Paris, Kortrijk and Baden-Baden.
Rosa Multiflora, Büschel-Rose
'Multiflora' means 'many flowers. And the many flowers exhale a honey scent and appear in large ombels. In autumn this rose produces many small, rounded, red fruits, non-recurrent bloom.
shrublet rose
Profuse flowering and very healthy shrublet with wide bushy growth habit, semi-doubled, rain resistant flowers. Ideal for mass planting, private gardens of public green
shrublet rose
Weg der Sinne®
Very intensely colored shrublet with rich bloom, flowers abundantly again. Slight fragrance, even growth habit and high disease resistance. A very special color which is really new in the assortment. Ideal for private gardens and public areas. ADR 2015.
Rosa Rugosa Alba, Apfel-Rose
This white variety of Rosa rugosa only varies in its flower colour. Otherwise it shows the same characteristics like extreme winter hardiness and salt-tolerance, provides creeping shots, less abondant second flowering..
shrub rose
Weisse Wolke®
Bushy-erect growing shrub rose with semi-doubled cups in rich clusters – pure white with pink buds, contrasting well with the dark green and glossy foliage. High disease resistance, Honorary Award in Baden-Baden in 2016.
climbing rose
Very vigorous climbing rose with high disease resistance and exceptional colours. The flowers are open, semi-doubled cups, rich clusters show at the end of long canes on a healthy plant. ADR 2010.
shrublet rose
Smaller shrub rose with the charm of species, very floriferous, very healthy. Ideal for private gardens but also for mass planting in public green. ADR 2006.
shrublet rose
Vibrantly coloured but not too gaudily appearing novelty in our NectarGarden assortment of insect friendly roses for natural gardening. This upright bushy Landscape shrub bears rich clusters of large single blooms in fine contrast with glossy foliage, that is unsusceptible for all kind of fungal diseases.
shrublet rose
Alexander von Humboldt
Wide bushy and creeping ground cover rose with open flower cups and gold yellow stamen. Precious member of the nectargarden - collection with high resistance to diseases.
miniature rose
A very dense and compact miniature rose with flowers in abundance in a brilliant colour that are resistant to rain and sun. Excellent for landscape purposes, with many hips in autumn. ADR 2007.
Summer of Love®
Shrublet with bushy-erect growth habit, nearly single, bicolored flowers and high resistance to diseases. Member of NECTARGARDEN collection for natural gardening.
Rosa Rugosa, Apfel-Rose, Kartoffel-Rose
Tomato-red hips that are rich in vitamine C and provitamine A. In autumn it shows golden yellow foliage, extreme frost-resistant and salt-tolerant, very suitable for coastal areas, provides creeping shots.
shrublet rose
Very profuse first flowerage, flowers generously again, always showing its white colour. An improvement of the well-known variety 'Immensee', because of its nearly continual production and its moderate growth. ADR 2001.
climbing rose
Ghislaine de Feligonde
Recurrent blooming, robust, "old" variety for hedges and single plantation, tolerates half-shade.