Shrub roses mainly grow bushy with overhanging shoots, though some varieties grow vertically. These repeat-bloomers with their very elegant or full flowers reach a height of between 120 cm and 200 cm, depending on soil conditions and location.
After a 2-year development phase, low-maintenance shrub roses produce a blaze of bloom as solitary plants or in a group as hedges or screens.
Average product rating of this category
shrub rose
Alexandra® - Princesse de Luxembourg
A new romantic release, showing erect growth habit and sweet fragrant flower balls reminiscent of historic roses. The flowers are delicate, but the plant is extremely robust and grows up to a height of 120 cm. This variety is dedicated to princess Alexandra of Luxembourg.
shrub rose
Modern shrubrose that flowers abundantly and all season long with the charrm of an "old rose", very winter-hardy.
shrub rose
Auf die Freundschaft
Shrub rose with erect growth habit, high-centered, bi-coloured blooms and high resistance to diseases.
shrub rose
A shrub rose in a lovely soft colour with the charm of old roses, enchants by its very healthy foliage and nostalgic shape of flowers, decorated with gold medals in Baden-Baden, Geneva and Rome.
Cinderella captivates like only a princess can do. She has a fine fresh fruity perfume of rose. The floral aspects are enhanced by the scent of fresh grated apple and below its juicy mellowness there is an impression of wax. The top note is powdery and sweet while the base note is reminiscent of heliotrope.
Maximum fragrance: in the evenings
shrub rose
Dense bushy, upright growing shrub rose with double blooms in small clusters and high disease resistance. Fancy play of colours of yellow with soft pink shades. Perfect for mixed borders but also short hedges. Part of our new Hedge Charmers® collection.
shrub rose
Flora Colonia
Interesting shrub rose with intense fragrance and nostalgic flowers as well as very good resistance to diseases. Has been decorated with many awards, like perfume prizes in La Tacita et Le Roeulx.
Mostly this variety will hide its fragrant secret just to show it spontaneously in the evening. Then an earthy, narcotic rose fragrance will nuzzle the nose. Beneath the spicy aspects of myrrh and anise deeper and enchanting accords in the heart note emerge reminding of frangipani and ylang-ylang. This flower cocktail rests on a base which is creamy and sweet.
maximal intensity of fragrance: in the morning (+), in the evening (+)
climbing rose
Ghislaine de Feligonde
Recurrent blooming, robust, "old" variety for hedges and single plantation, tolerates half-shade.
shrub rose
Bushy shrub rose with medium-sized, semi-doubled blooms. The foliage is extremely healthy, growth is first compact then arching, is decorated with beautiful hips in autumn, ADR 2009
shrub rose
Very floriferous shrub rose with very doubled and nostalgic flowers in an interesting array of colours, strong fragrance and bushy growth.
Like recently washed the head note of ‘Herkules’ presents itself. Wonderful airy and fresh is the citric scent, which will nuzzle the nose while taking a deep breath. Aspects of watery-green apple dominate the middle note, which will develop into a note of green, peeled pear. The green and fruity aspects are in total harmony with the long-lasting freshness of the flower.
maximal intensity of fragrance: at noon, in the evenings
shrub rose
Ile de Fleurs / Max Reinhardt-Rose
Upright growing Bush rose with open and with unusal coloured flowers and an extraordinary disease resistance (ADR®-award 2018). Named after the cooperation with the famous "Flower Island" of Mainau in the Lake of Contance.
shrub rose
La Villa Cotta®
Shrubrose with very doubled, elegant blooms, always in clusters. Erect growth-habit, heat-resistant, very stable colour, nostalgic flowers and tender fragrance. Was named after the garden festival 'La Villa Cotta'.
shrub rose
Abundant flowering and very dense growing shrub rose with high resistance to diseases, ideal rose for low hedges.
shrub rose
Abundant flowering shrub rose, vivid colour and good resistance to diseases. The name refers to the popular German magazine "LandLust". Has received several prizes in international rose competitions like public awards in Hradec and Baden-Baden or the Golden Rose in Kortrijk.
shrub rose
Lichtkönigin Lucia®
Very profuse flowerage, robust, ideal to combine with other shrub roses and perennials, very frost-resistant.
shrublet rose
Exceptionally lovely and relatively graceful growing Landscape shrub rose of bowing growth habit. Lends itself with rich clusters of small, light pink blooms for mass plantings as well as mixed borders in combination with perennials. A rose to fall in love with!
shrub rose
This robust shrubrose convinces with its rich fragrance, high winter hardiness and its shining colour. Suitable for single planting, in groups and hedges.
Shrub Rose
Rosarium Uetersen®
Recurrently flowering, very frost-resistant rose, stem rose provides cascades of everlasting flowers. This shrubrose can also be used as a climber when you tie the branches up.
shrub rose
Rosenstadt Freising
Robust and charming shrub-rose, enchants by her array of three colours, which are similar to the colours of the town Freising. Decorated with ADR in 1996 and with silver medals in Kortrijk, Monza and Rome.
shrub rose
Roter Korsar®
Very vigorous shrubrose, which can also be planted as a climbing rose under favourite climatic conditions. This rose is captivating due to the luminosity of the flowers which do not blue, High frost-resistance and high resistance to diseases is self-evident in a rose that was decorated ADR (in 2005). Several awards in international rose competitions like the Golden Rose of Hradec and Gold Standard.
shrub rose
The most beautiful rose in white, selected as "Rose of the world 1983", recurrent bloomer until frost with an abondance of flowers, robust.
shrublet rose
Vibrantly coloured but not too gaudily appearing novelty in our NectarGarden assortment of insect friendly roses for natural gardening. This upright bushy Landscape shrub bears rich clusters of large single blooms in fine contrast with glossy foliage, that is unsusceptible for all kind of fungal diseases.
shrub rose
A Fairy Tale Rose, conspicious for its quartered and scented flowers and the healthy foliage. An ideal rose due to its strong fragrance, high disease resistance and winter hardiness. Has received several awards in International Rose Competitions.
shrub rose
Weisse Wolke®
Bushy-erect growing shrub rose with semi-doubled cups in rich clusters – pure white with pink buds, contrasting well with the dark green and glossy foliage. High disease resistance, Honorary Award in Baden-Baden in 2016.
shrub rose
Shrubrose with weather tolerant, nostalgic flowers, flowering lately, high resistance to diseases. Member of the collection of FAIRY TALE ROSES. Its rounded pink and silver flowers contrast well with the dark green, very healthy foliage. As typical shrub rose ’Wellenspiel’ performs well in single plantations or in groups in mixed vorders. As this varietiy flowers relatively late in the year it can fill the gap between the flowering of other rose varieties.
Recently viewed
climbing rose
Very vigorous and floriferous climber with healthy foliage and nostalgic blooms in an attractive colour.
climbing rose
Bobbie James
This robust climbing rose flowers once a year, but in abundance. Its flowers seem like snow-balls and sometimes you may catch a glance of their yellow stamen.
Edition spring 2025
Kordes garden rose catalogue
We are happy to present you our new 2025 catalogue containing our complete range of garden roses on 180 pages, as well as lots of valuable tips about roses. Clearly divided into rose types such as floribundas, climbing or ground cover roses, etc., everyone will find his or her right rose here. Of course, our healthy and colorful new breeds and our garden rose collections uniting wonderful rose varieties with similar characteristics should not be missing. Our brand new bee logo will help you find insect friendly roses even faster and the Kordes guide provides answers to recurring questions on topics such as buying, planting, pruning and protecting roses. In our planning aids we have put together tried and tested rose varieties for almost every possible use and location.
When ordering plants you can order this catalogue for € 1,00. If you order only the catalogue without plants, we have to calculate additionally 4,-€ shipping costs.
Unfortunately our catalogue is only available in GERMAN. Please use our internet with an english version. .Tip: Our gardenrose catalogue is also available as pdf download and additionally as an interactive 3D catalogue.