Partytime for nature! Rose lovers and nature enthusiasts are waiting already long time for that: Coming back to those varieties with simple and unfilled flowers for nature gardens. Bees and other tiny insects will feel in a good mood and will support the balance of nature. Even if the well filled roses will not get out of fashion, so their natural sisters have some unbeatable points, which convince garden lovers and breeders. A well healthy foliage, a very good self-cleaning even at rainy days and last but not least a magic attraction of little tiny insects like bees, bumbles and co. spending time in a pollen bath.
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shrublet rose
Alexander von Humboldt
Wide bushy and creeping ground cover rose with open flower cups and gold yellow stamen. Precious member of the nectargarden - collection with high resistance to diseases.
climbing rose
Bobbie James
This robust climbing rose flowers once a year, but in abundance. Its flowers seem like snow-balls and sometimes you may catch a glance of their yellow stamen.
shrublet rose
Wide bushy growing Landscape shrub rose with slightly double cupped blooms, that appear in several busy flushes. Insect friendly, ideal for mass planting and mixed borders. Addition to RIGO-ROSES® collection of high disease resistance (ADR certificate 2020).
shrublet rose
Compact and bushy growing Landscape shrub with semi-double flowers and high disease resistance (ADR certificate 2019). Ideal for mass planting or low hedges in private gardens or public green areas.
Floriferous floribunda with open flower in a beautiful colour with compact and upright growth habit.Disease resistance is excellent and good production of rose hips, Decorated with the ADR-label in 2009 and several other awards, like gold medals in La Tacita, Paris, Kortrijk and Baden-Baden.
shrublet rose
Small shrub rose with harmonic growth and natural charm, very disease resistant foliage, decorated with white, resistant flowers from early spring to autumn. ADR 2006.
floribunda rose
Dense bushy and floriferous Floribunda with slightly double blooms and therefore insect friendly blooms in a warm colour tone between Orange and Pink. Due to high disease resistance multiple utilisation possible from mass planting, mixed borders or planters.
floribunda rose
Ideal for beds and mass plantings. Excellent for public green. Despite the single blooms the abundance of flowers has a good distance effect with a continual production until fall. The foliage has an excellent degree of disease resistance. ADR 2002 and Golden Rose of The Hague - among many other awards.
shrublet rose
Frozen Roadrunner®
Precious complement to the Roadrunner collection in pure white with all the very good characterstics of R. rugosa: intense fragrance, very high winter hardiness and excellent health of foliage.
floribunda rose
Very intensely colored floribunda, growth habit like a shrublet. Very good for public green, an eye-catching, stable color and very high resistance to diseases. Was named in cooperation with the garden journal "Gartenfreund". ADR 2013 and other awards, like gold medals in La Tacita, Hradec and Lyon.
shrub rose
Bushy shrub rose with medium-sized, semi-doubled blooms. The foliage is extremely healthy, growth is first compact then arching, is decorated with beautiful hips in autumn, ADR 2009
shrub rose
Ile de Fleurs / Max Reinhardt-Rose
Upright growing Bush rose with open and with unusal coloured flowers and an extraordinary disease resistance (ADR®-award 2018). Named after the cooperation with the famous "Flower Island" of Mainau in the Lake of Contance.
shrublet rose
Smaller shrub rose with the charm of species, very floriferous, very healthy. Ideal for private gardens but also for mass planting in public green. ADR 2006.
shrublet rose
Lemon Fizz®
Shrublet with bushy-erect growth habit, semi-doubled flowers with stable color, high disease resistance. Member of the NECTARGARDEN, roses for natural gardening, decorated ADR in 2015.
miniature rose
A very dense and compact miniature rose with flowers in abundance in a brilliant colour that are resistant to rain and sun. Excellent for landscape purposes, with many hips in autumn. ADR 2007.
floribunda rose
Profuse flowering and very healthy shrublet with wide bushy growth habit, semi-doubled, rain resistant flowers. Ideal for mass planting, private gardens of public green.
shrublet rose
Very profuse first flowerage, flowers generously again, always showing its white colour. An improvement of the well-known variety 'Immensee', because of its nearly continual production and its moderate growth. ADR 2001.
floribunda rose
Abundant wide-bushy growing Floribunda, whose elegantly shaped flower buds open to slightly double cupped blooms that invite all kind of insects to collect pollen. An excellent disease resistance underlines a natural but still noble character of this stylish rose.
shrublet rose
Dense and bushy growing Florbunda with mid sized and semi double flowers flowering in rich clusters, with last for a very long time. flowers do withstand the rain easily and Roselina® is not afraid of heat. next to the extraordinary disease resistance it earned the "Golden Rose of Baden-Baden 2018". a great addition to our "Nectar Garden"® Range of insect and Bee-friendly roses.
floribunda rose
Roseromantic® / Klima-Rose®
White spreading floribunda with glossy and extremely healthy foliage, semi-doubled flowers and charming array of colour.
floribunda rose
SEE YOU® in apricot
Most welcome addition to our popular SEE YOU® collection of so called Persica-Hybrids, distinguished by the characteristic „eye“ in the bloom’s centre – in this case a unique colour combination with red on apricot. Furthermore, busy re-growth along with good disease resistance.
floribunda rose
SEE YOU® in pink
bushy but compact, with open flowers in an interesting colour. It is a new generation of Persica hybrids with an exceptional disease resistance and an abundance of flowers. an addition to our SEE YOU® range for trendy but ecologic gardens.
floribunda rose
SEE YOU® in purple
Hybrid of persica rose with vivid color play of open cups, yellow buds and purple center. For this rose type long lasting flowers and few thorns as well as high resistance to diseases.
floribunda rose
SEE YOU® in red
Bushy but compact, with open flowers in an interesting cream white colour with a red center. A persica-Hybrid with an exceptional disease resistance and an especially even growth habit. An addition to our SEE YOU® range for trendy but ecologic gardens.