Groundcover roses require very little maintenance and can be planted to form brightly coloured floral carpets all through the summer and well into autumn. Depending on the variety, these healthy, robust plants grow to a height of 30 to 100 cm.
Our recommendation: Our NectarGarden® and RigoRoses® collections include many groundcover roses detailing their specific qualities.
Average product rating of this category
shrublet rose
Alexander von Humboldt
Wide bushy and creeping ground cover rose with open flower cups and gold yellow stamen. Precious member of the nectargarden - collection with high resistance to diseases.
shrublet rose
compact and wide growing landscape shrub with little double flowers, growing in rich flower clusters, combined with an extraordinary disease resistance (ADR-awarded in 2017). very versatile in its use, for small gardens to pots on terrace or balcony and for landscaping purposes. a great addition to the RIGO ROSES® collection.
shrublet rose
Bentheimer Gold®
Abundant flowering floribunda , colourful and resistant to diseases. ADR 2015.
shrublet rose
Blühwunder '08®
Very compact growing, healthy and care-free shrublet in intense, strong pink. Lovely array of colours, ideal for mass planting. ADR 2006.
shrublet rose
Upright-bushy growing Land-scape shrub with slightly double, cupped blooms – bright coloured in nice contrast to dark green, glossy, healthy foliage. Insect friendly introduction released in cooperation with Rosenstadt (rose city) Eltville am Rhein.
shrublet rose
Compact and bushy growing Landscape shrub with semi-double flowers and high disease resistance (ADR certificate 2019). Ideal for mass planting or low hedges in private gardens or public green areas.
shrublet rose
Shrublet rose with an extremely healthy foliage, which is covering the ground very fast, therefore very suitable for public green or to cover large surfaces. Was awarded ADR in 2002 and several awards, like gold medals in Den Haag, Hradec and Kortrijk.
shrublet rose
Small shrub rose with harmonic growth and natural charm, very disease resistant foliage, decorated with white, resistant flowers from early spring to autumn. ADR 2006.
shrublet rose
Frozen Roadrunner®
Precious complement to the Roadrunner collection in pure white with all the very good characterstics of R. rugosa: intense fragrance, very high winter hardiness and excellent health of foliage.
shrublet rose
Gärtnerfreude® / Toscana®
Shrublet that is well suitable for private gardens and public green, every gardener will be delighted by this rose, which is really rain resistant. Many prizes in international rose competitions.
shrublet rose
Profuse flowering and very healthy shrublet with wide bushy growth habit, semi-doubled, rain resistant flowers. Ideal for mass planting, private gardens of public green
shrublet rose
An ideal robust floribunda for many applications. Her white flowers perform well on the green foliage. It will enlighten dark spots in your garden. ADR in 2003 and Golden Rose of Hradec.
shrublet rose
Smaller shrub rose with the charm of species, very floriferous, very healthy. Ideal for private gardens but also for mass planting in public green. ADR 2006.
shrublet rose
An ideal ground cover rose for many applications, in small gardens or tubs and pots. We recommand plants on own roots for planting in not so deep tubs or balcony boxes. ADR 2004.
shrublet rose
Very floriferous ground cover rose with very doubled flowers, care-free rose, charming colour. ADR 2008 and numerous awards in international rose competitions like the Golden Rose in Orléans.
shrublet rose
Lemon Fizz®
Shrublet with bushy-erect growth habit, semi-doubled flowers with stable color, high disease resistance. Member of the NECTARGARDEN, roses for natural gardening, decorated ADR in 2015.
shrublet rose
Very profuse first flowerage, flowers generously again, always showing its white colour. An improvement of the well-known variety 'Immensee', because of its nearly continual production and its moderate growth. ADR 2001.
shrublet rose
Palmengarten Frankfurt®
Profuse ground cover rose with a special charm, the blooms contrast nicely against the fresh green foliage, very robust.
shrublet rose
Pink Roadrunner®
Precious complement to the Roadrunner collection in intense purple with all the very good characterstics of R. rugosa: intense fragrance, very high winter hardiness and excellent health of foliage.
shrublet rose
Dense and bushy growing Florbunda with mid sized and semi double flowers flowering in rich clusters, with last for a very long time. flowers do withstand the rain easily and Roselina® is not afraid of heat. next to the extraordinary disease resistance it earned the "Golden Rose of Baden-Baden 2018". a great addition to our "Nectar Garden"® Range of insect and Bee-friendly roses.
shrublet rose
This refined shrublet comes from the very known "The Fairy" and provides a profuse bloom until frost.
Summer of Love®
Shrublet with bushy-erect growth habit, nearly single, bicolored flowers and high resistance to diseases. Member of NECTARGARDEN collection for natural gardening.
shrublet rose
Sunny Rose®
Sunny Rose is one of the few creeping ground cover roses and still more valuable a yellow one. The resistance to diseases is excellent and due to its tiny foliage and small flowers it performs well in heat. With its arching growth habit it is also great in tubs and pots. ADR 2004.
shrublet rose
The Fairy
Well-known floribunda, profuse and very robust, flowers continually until autumn.