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floribunda rose
4er-Paket Für Elise
"4 für 3" Angebot für kurze Zeit: Sie erhalten vier Beetrosen "Für Elise" im 2-Liter-Topf Plant-o-fix® zahlen aber nur drei!Als uns aus Bonn, der Geburtsstadt Beethovens, der Wunsch erreichte, dem berühmten Komponisten anlässlich des Beethoven-Jahres 2020 eine Rose zu widmen, da haben wir freudig zugestimmt. Mit einer tief violett blühenden, gut gefüllten, würzig duftenden und trotzdem robusten Beetrose war die passende Sorte schnell gefunden. Mit ‚Für Elise’ bald darauf auch ihr Name – nach dem berühmten, einer noch heute unbekannten Empfängerin gewidmeten Klavierstück. Patin Elke Büdenbender taufte die Rose feierlich in einer der wenigen Zeremonien, die im ersten Corona-Sommer 2020 stattfinden konnten.
floribunda rose
Bushy-upright floribunda with a fabulous array of flowers and good resistance to diseases.
floribunda rose
Very intense colored, floriferous floribunda with bushy-compact growth habit, very exciting color - like airbrushed - and very good resistance to diseases.
climbing rose
Climber with very doubled, pure white flowers, excellent resistance to diseases and moderate growth habit.
shrublet rose
Alexander von Humboldt
Wide bushy and creeping ground cover rose with open flower cups and gold yellow stamen. Precious member of the nectargarden - collection with high resistance to diseases.
shrub rose
Alexandra® - Princesse de Luxembourg
A new romantic release, showing erect growth habit and sweet fragrant flower balls reminiscent of historic roses. The flowers are delicate, but the plant is extremely robust and grows up to a height of 120 cm. This variety is dedicated to princess Alexandra of Luxembourg.
climbing rose
Very vigorous and floriferous climber with healthy foliage and nostalgic blooms in an attractive colour.
climbing rose
A climber with very healthy foliage, captivating by ist large-sized, doubled and shining red flowers. These have stable colour and are rain resistant.
shrublet rose
compact and wide growing landscape shrub with little double flowers, growing in rich flower clusters, combined with an extraordinary disease resistance (ADR-awarded in 2017). very versatile in its use, for small gardens to pots on terrace or balcony and for landscaping purposes. a great addition to the RIGO ROSES® collection.
hybrid tea rose
Upright growing Hybrid Tea with nostalgic flowers occurring in small clusters, combined with a healthy foliage. Firm petals make this rose also a great choice as long-lasting cut flower for floral arrangements.
shrub rose
Modern shrubrose that flowers abundantly and all season long with the charrm of an "old rose", very winter-hardy.
floribunda rose
Remarkable floribunda rose with an attractive tint, conspicuous for its resistance against fungus diseases.
hybrid tea rose
Hybrid Tea Rose with highcentered flowers, good resistance to diseases and charming colour. New member of ELEGANZA - Collection.
shrub rose
Auf die Freundschaft
Shrub rose with erect growth habit, high-centered, bi-coloured blooms and high resistance to diseases.
floribunda rose
Baby Schneewittchen®
Bushy, compact growth with attractive semi-double flowers growing in clusters and healthy leaves. Early blooming and busy regrowth of new flowers all season long even without need of summer dead heading. Suits well into small gardens or even pots on terrace or balcony.
floribunda rose
Bad Birnbach®
Profuse flowering low florbunda with high resistance to diseases, accepting high and low temperatures, ADR 2000.
climbing rose
Very vigorous climbing rose with high disease resistance and exceptional colours. The flowers are open, semi-doubled cups, rich clusters show at the end of long canes on a healthy plant. ADR 2010.
hybrid tea rose
A hybrid tea rose which is an early bloomer with high-centered flowers and a very good resistance to diseases.
shrublet rose
Bentheimer Gold®
Abundant flowering floribunda , colourful and resistant to diseases. ADR 2015.
hybrid tea rose
Better Times®
Vigorous upright growing Hybrid Tea with elegantly shaped blooms in small clusters and healthy foliage. Large, very double Flowers show a vivid play of colours between soft yellow, bright orange and pink. Her stiff petals make this rose a well-suited cut flower.
hybrid tea rose
A perfect mix of interesting pink array of colours, high-centred flowers and delicious strong fragrance, high resistance to diseases.
The scent is intense, yet fresh. The top notes of citrus are present even when the bud is just opening. When the flower is fully open the wonderful heart notes of fresh litchi and white peach predominate with the fragrances of pear and plum also being present. The earthy base notes of patchouli and fresh myrtle are faint but complete the experience.
Maximum fragrance: at noon
floribunda rose
Black Forest Rose®
Very profuse flowering floribunda, grows like a shrublet. Its stable, shining flower colour and the attractive form as well as a very good resistance to diseases are the main characteristics of this variety. It has received the label ADR 2010 and gold medals in Glasgow, La Tacita et Kortrijk.
shrublet rose
Blühwunder '08®
Very compact growing, healthy and care-free shrublet in intense, strong pink. Lovely array of colours, ideal for mass planting. ADR 2006.
shrublet rose
Upright-bushy growing Land-scape shrub with slightly double, cupped blooms – bright coloured in nice contrast to dark green, glossy, healthy foliage. Insect friendly introduction released in cooperation with Rosenstadt (rose city) Eltville am Rhein.