Our assortment
floribunda rose


4 - 5
repeat blooming
70 cm
erect, upright
erect, upright

From €12.95 *

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Compact-bushy growth, intense color, nostalgically formed flowers and high resistance to diseases. Ideal for cultivation in containers or planting in tubs on terraces and balconies.

Fragrance riche
Petal Count double
Winter-hardiness extremly winterhardy
Black Spot higher susceptibility, restorative required
Mildew less susceptibility, regenaration by itself
Rust leichte Anfälligkeit, Regenration aus einger Kraft
plants per m²: 4 - 5
flowering period: repeat blooming
diameter: 6 cm, 7 cm
natural width: 50 cm
plant: erect, upright
resistance to diseases: high
natural height: 70 cm
breeder: W. Kordes' Söhne
location / use : suitable for pots
year of introduction: 2017
collection: Kordes‘ Klima-Rosen®
note: A-Qualität ab 2 Trieben, The details refer to our location, soil and climate conditions and may vary.

4 of 4 reviews






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July 31, 2024 11:16

Très déçue

Plantés depuis 2ans, mes rosiers phénix sont toujours atteint de tâches noires et ne poussent pas. Jusqu'à présent j'avais des Rosiers ADR qui sont formidables. Dorénavant je n'acheterai que des Rosiers ADR.

Our feedback: Si le rosier est malade, vous devez observer l'emplacement pour voir si c'est le bon endroit pour le rosier. Assez de soleil, peut bien sécher, pas d'engorgement, suffisamment d'engrais...

September 16, 2021 11:30

Sehr gesunde Rosensorte

Ich habe 4 Rosen Phönix letzten Herbst wurzelnackt gepflanzt. Die Rosen überzeugten den ganzen Sommer mit Blühfreude, langanhaltender Blüte (bei Trockenheit bis 10 Tagen) und kein Rosenstock zeigte bei diesem sehr feuchten Sommer bisher Anzeichen von Sternrußtau oder anderen Pilzkrankheiten.

July 18, 2021 11:15


Sehr guter wuchs viele Knospen top zufrieden

August 3, 2020 22:19

Top, nur die Farbe verändert sich sehr

Ich habe mir die mir für den Balkon eine orange Rose für ein Gefäß ausgesucht und bestellt.Leider hatte ich mir nicht alle Bilder von Kordes angesehen,beschrieben ist sie als orange. Sie wurde wie immer bei Kordes super verpackt geliefert.Total mit vielen Knospen und wenn die aufblühen eine Blüte von 5 cm.Wunderschön.Der Punktabzug kommt wegen der Farbe.Erst ist die Rose orange,dann wird sie bis zur Farbe hummer und wenn sie verblüht hin zum lachs.

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Order number 4659-00

Bare rooted rose

Info Sustainability
floribunda rose - Phoenix® Bare-rooted rose, A-quality delivery time: within 8 business days delivery period: March - april


From 5 Piece(s) per

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Order number 4659-31

Plant-o-fix Pot, 2 liter

Info Sustainability
floribunda rose - Phoenix® 2-l-Plant-o-fix Pot with growth guarantee delivery time: within 8 business days delivery period: March - april


From 5 Piece(s) per

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Order number 4659-25

Cutted roses in 5-l-container

floribunda rose - Phoenix® Well-rooted rose in 5-l-container delivery time: within 8 business days delivery period: March - april


Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Order number 4659-02

Bare-rooted Treerose 80 cm

floribunda rose - Phoenix® Bare-rooted tree rose (80cm), A-quality delivery time: within 8 business days delivery period: March - april


Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Order number 4659-20

Tree rose (80 cm) in 7,5l- container

floribunda rose - Phoenix® Bare-rooted rose, A-quality delivery time: within 8 business days delivery period: March - april


Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs


Goes well with

floribunda rose
Orangerie® / Friedrichstadt-Rose
The colour of the flowers which are very doubled, nostalgically shaped and always in clusters are really orange. The colour is stable, even under constant sunshine. The plant is well suitable for cultivation in containers, as growth is erect, but compact. Its very healthy foliage makes 'Orangerie' a good and easy-care choice for your garden, where it can be used in classic rose beds, mixed borders or planted in tubs on terraces or balconies. ADR 2016.
From €13.95*
miniature rose
Floribunda with compact growth habit with doubled, rounded flowers in rich clusters and high resistance to diseases. Member of the LILLIPUTS-Collection. The white flowers contrast very nicely with the dark green foliage. Not a real miniature, but a patio rose, that is great in tubs due to its compact growth habit.
From €12.95*
floribunda rose
Floribunda with erect-bushy growth, very doubled flower balls in clusters and high resistance to disease, very charming and unusual array of flowers. ADR 2017.
From €13.95*

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floribunda rose
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floribunda rose
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From €12.95*
floribunda rose
This is a Fairy Tale Rose, flowering like an "old rose" with many pompon flowers. This floribunda is a real beauty, it is robust, healthy, winter hardy and enlightens every garden. ADR 2006.
From €13.95*
floribunda rose
Garden of Roses®
This floribuna has a compact growth, nostalgic flowers in an attractive colour with tender fragrance. Ideal for planting in pots and flower boxes or in small gardens. ADR® in 2009, ROTY 2011.
From €12.95*
floribunda rose
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From €12.95*
floribunda rose
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From €13.95*
floribunda rose
bushy, upright growth, with double and attractive filled flowers. Combined with a high disease resistance and good re growth for new flowers during summer even without the need of a summer trim. Fits well into classical garden situations, in mixed borders with perennials or even in pots on the terrace or balcony. a good fit for all occasions
From €12.95*
shrublet rose
This release shows best the improvements that rose hybridizers have reached nowadays: an unrivalled combination of excellent healthy foliage and yellow flower colour! The very doubled, nostalgic, citron yellow cups of flowers are showcased by the glossy foliage. ADR 2009.
From €12.95*
floribunda rose
SEE YOU® in purple
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From €13.95*
floribunda rose
Floribunda bed rose with harmonic growth, very doubled nostalgic flower cups and slight fragrance. ADR 2007.
From €13.95*
floribunda rose
Planten un Blomen®
A floribunda in brilliant red and white, showing a very high disease resistance and an interesting blend of colours. Named after the famous park in Hamburg. ADR 2009 and several awards like the Golden Rose in The Hague.
From €12.95*
floribunda rose
Early flowering, popular floribunda because of its colour, abundance of flowers and its hardiness, frost-resistant. This rose lures - in contrast to the bright yellow of its petals - with an arcane, oriental-mystic scent. Almost narcotic bewitches the impression of iris and patchouli. The scent unites with sensual-flowery aspects similar to those of jasmine or ylang-ylang. In between green notes gleam, which remind of freshly cut box tree. Fruity notes like litchi or apple put a special note on the accord. Finally the scent opens into a soft-velvety fond of vanilla and apricot. maximal intensity of fragrance in the evening
From €12.95*

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Bushy-upright floribunda with a fabulous array of flowers and good resistance to diseases.
From €13.95*
floribunda rose
Floribunda with erect-bushy growth, very doubled flower balls in clusters and high resistance to disease, very charming and unusual array of flowers. ADR 2017.
From €13.95*
floribunda rose
Garden of Roses®
This floribuna has a compact growth, nostalgic flowers in an attractive colour with tender fragrance. Ideal for planting in pots and flower boxes or in small gardens. ADR® in 2009, ROTY 2011.
From €12.95*
floribunda rose
Here Comes the Sun®
Long lasting, abundant flowering Floribunda with semi-double, cupped blooms that don’t burn even under strong radiation. The intense colouring keeps stable as well, therefore ideal addition to our SUNFLARE ROSES collection with high disease resistance on top.
From €13.95*
floribunda rose
Constanze Mozart®
This rose has very elegant buds which open into nostalgically shaped flowe cups. Its intense and fruity fragrance and its high disease resistance make her something special. She was named on the occasion of the 250. anniversary of Constanze Mozart in January 2012. This rose has an exhilarating and distinct perfume with its top notes reminding one of fine champagne and the fresh air after a summer rain. These scents are infused with the fresh scent of lemon verbena. When the bloom is fully open sweet plum notes predominate with lingering notes of ripe apricot. To this wonderful array of scents add a touch of powdery vanilla, heliotrope and young elder flowers that complete the rose fragrance. Maximum fragrance: at noon, in the evening
From €16.95*
floribunda rose
Für Elise
Intensively coloured Floribunda with nostalgic character, delightful floral scent and very double blooms. Named in cooperation with the city of Bonn on occasion of the ‘Beethoven Anniversary Year 2020’.
From €14.95*