Natural gardens that roses share with an array of complementary plants enjoy great popularity in these modern times. Our NectarGarden® collection is the big attraction for pollenating insects, such as wild bees, butterflies and hoverflies, providing the nutrition they need in their busy lives. The shrub roses grow to a height of 30 to 120 cm and are characterised by disease resistance, floral abundancy and healthy leaves. Appreciate the true beauty of nature with your children and grandchildren as your garden comes alive with an explosion of colour and the fascinating spectacle of visiting insects.

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shrublet rose
Alexander von Humboldt
Wide bushy and creeping ground cover rose with open flower cups and gold yellow stamen. Precious member of the nectargarden - collection with high resistance to diseases.
Floriferous floribunda with open flower in a beautiful colour with compact and upright growth habit.Disease resistance is excellent and good production of rose hips, Decorated with the ADR-label in 2009 and several other awards, like gold medals in La Tacita, Paris, Kortrijk and Baden-Baden.
shrublet rose
Smaller shrub rose with the charm of species, very floriferous, very healthy. Ideal for private gardens but also for mass planting in public green. ADR 2006.
miniature rose
A very dense and compact miniature rose with flowers in abundance in a brilliant colour that are resistant to rain and sun. Excellent for landscape purposes, with many hips in autumn. ADR 2007.
shrublet rose
Very profuse first flowerage, flowers generously again, always showing its white colour. An improvement of the well-known variety 'Immensee', because of its nearly continual production and its moderate growth. ADR 2001.
shrublet rose
Dense and bushy growing Florbunda with mid sized and semi double flowers flowering in rich clusters, with last for a very long time. flowers do withstand the rain easily and Roselina® is not afraid of heat. next to the extraordinary disease resistance it earned the "Golden Rose of Baden-Baden 2018". a great addition to our "Nectar Garden"® Range of insect and Bee-friendly roses.
shrublet rose
Vibrantly coloured but not too gaudily appearing novelty in our NectarGarden assortment of insect friendly roses for natural gardening. This upright bushy Landscape shrub bears rich clusters of large single blooms in fine contrast with glossy foliage, that is unsusceptible for all kind of fungal diseases.
miniature rose
A miniature or ground cover rose with very healthy foliage, ideal for small and rock gardens or for cultivation in containers or tubs. ADR 2003.
miniature rose
Miniature rose with compact-bushy growth habit, floriferous with small single flowers and high resistance to diseases. Part of our bee friendly NectarGarden® collection for natural gardening.
shrublet rose
A classical ground cover rose, with compact and low growth. The flowers are flat, open and single and will lure bees and other collectors of pollen. As self-cleaning and healthy plant this variety is ideal for mass planting, for borders and rock gardens. ADR 2010.
shrublet rose
Weg der Sinne®
Very intensely colored shrublet with rich bloom, flowers abundantly again. Slight fragrance, even growth habit and high disease resistance. A very special color which is really new in the assortment. Ideal for private gardens and public areas. ADR 2015.
floribunda rose
Especially charming Floribunda introduction of dense-bushy growth habit, busy re-growth, and excellent disease resistance. Slightly double, insect friendly blooms turn into shades of pink depending on sun intensity and make this rose a truly magical character. Named on occasion of 110th anniversary of Rosengarten