Floribunda roses are characterised by a short height of 50 to 80 cm. They produce a spectacular display when planted together in a large area, but also are an attractive eyecatcher in cottage gardens alongside shrubs such as larkspur, sage or gypsophila. Floribunda roses with their flowers in spray formation create a truly florescent source of pleasure in the garden.
Floribunda roses combine specific properties with exceptional leaf health and are a magnificent pollen source for bees. Some varieties even have a strikingly nostalgic flower shape.
Our recommendation: To help you choose the ideal floribunda we have assigned many of them to our RigoRoses®, Fairytale Rose® and NectarGarden® collections.
Average product rating of this category
floribunda rose
4er-Paket Für Elise
"4 für 3" Angebot für kurze Zeit: Sie erhalten vier Beetrosen "Für Elise" im 2-Liter-Topf Plant-o-fix® zahlen aber nur drei!Als uns aus Bonn, der Geburtsstadt Beethovens, der Wunsch erreichte, dem berühmten Komponisten anlässlich des Beethoven-Jahres 2020 eine Rose zu widmen, da haben wir freudig zugestimmt. Mit einer tief violett blühenden, gut gefüllten, würzig duftenden und trotzdem robusten Beetrose war die passende Sorte schnell gefunden. Mit ‚Für Elise’ bald darauf auch ihr Name – nach dem berühmten, einer noch heute unbekannten Empfängerin gewidmeten Klavierstück. Patin Elke Büdenbender taufte die Rose feierlich in einer der wenigen Zeremonien, die im ersten Corona-Sommer 2020 stattfinden konnten.
floribunda rose
Bushy-upright floribunda with a fabulous array of flowers and good resistance to diseases.
floribunda rose
Very intense colored, floriferous floribunda with bushy-compact growth habit, very exciting color - like airbrushed - and very good resistance to diseases.
floribunda rose
Remarkable floribunda rose with an attractive tint, conspicuous for its resistance against fungus diseases.
floribunda rose
Baby Schneewittchen®
Bushy, compact growth with attractive semi-double flowers growing in clusters and healthy leaves. Early blooming and busy regrowth of new flowers all season long even without need of summer dead heading. Suits well into small gardens or even pots on terrace or balcony.
floribunda rose
Bad Birnbach®
Profuse flowering low florbunda with high resistance to diseases, accepting high and low temperatures, ADR 2000.
floribunda rose
Black Forest Rose®
Very profuse flowering floribunda, grows like a shrublet. Its stable, shining flower colour and the attractive form as well as a very good resistance to diseases are the main characteristics of this variety. It has received the label ADR 2010 and gold medals in Glasgow, La Tacita et Kortrijk.
floribunda rose
Very abundant flowering floribunda with large, doubled cups and even growth habit. Her velvet red colour was namesgiving for this rose variety.Has received several awards, as the fragrance prize in Glasgow and the prize of the journalists in Monza.
floribunda rose
Bright Smiles®
Bushy upright growing Floribunda with semi-double blooms in small clusters and healthy foliage. Refreshing play of colours with excellent weather resistance even under heat and strong sunlight. Very suitable for container production.
floribunda rose
Cherry Girl
This wonderful rose fascinates with its very doubled nostalgic flowers in a fresh colour. The very harmonic growth habit and the height of 70 cm make it an ideal plant for classic rose beds or cultivation in pots on balcony or terrace. ADR 2007 and Golden Rose of Hradec.
floribunda rose
Constanze Mozart®
This rose has very elegant buds which open into nostalgically shaped flowe cups. Its intense and fruity fragrance and its high disease resistance make her something special. She was named on the occasion of the 250. anniversary of Constanze Mozart in January 2012.
This rose has an exhilarating and distinct perfume with its top notes reminding one of fine champagne and the fresh air after a summer rain. These scents are infused with the fresh scent of lemon verbena. When the bloom is fully open sweet plum notes predominate with lingering notes of ripe apricot. To this wonderful array of scents add a touch of powdery vanilla, heliotrope and young elder flowers that complete the rose fragrance.
Maximum fragrance: at noon, in the evening
floribunda rose
Coral Lions-Rose®
Bushy but upright growing floribunda with double filled flowers which grow in small clusters combined with a high disease resistance. a delicate scent with a hint of fruits and a graceful play of colours between apricot and pink. Named after the town of Elmshorns' Lions' Club
floribunda rose
Erect-bushy growth habit, floribunda with very doubled, fragrant flowers in a charming color in small clusters. Very high resistance to diseases, confirmed by ADR-label in 2016.
floribunda rose
Floriferous Floribunda, with an outstanding disease resistance (ADR certificate 2019) and diligent regrowth of new flowers during summer even without need of dead heading. Semi-double blooms growing in small clusters with an exciting play of colours in apricot and cerise.
floribunda rose
Floribunda with spreading growth habit and a unique colour play, ressembling a firebird.
floribunda rose
Dense bushy and floriferous Floribunda with slightly double blooms and therefore insect friendly blooms in a warm colour tone between Orange and Pink. Due to high disease resistance multiple utilisation possible from mass planting, mixed borders or planters.
floribunda rose
Ideal for beds and mass plantings. Excellent for public green. Despite the single blooms the abundance of flowers has a good distance effect with a continual production until fall. The foliage has an excellent degree of disease resistance. ADR 2002 and Golden Rose of The Hague - among many other awards.
floribunda rose
Fräulein Maria
Bushy growing floribunda with a nostalgic anf intensly scented flower, combined with a good dieses resistance, it is catagorizes into our range of the PARFUMA® -collection. Named after Miss Maria of Jever, legendary and historic souvereign of the north german lands of Jever.
A sparkling note of fresh lemon characterizes the top note, which swops over into a creamy-soapy rose character. This you find combined with the smell of green apple and freshly cut gras. The core note presents also spicy aspects, which turn out during blossoming. Here you can find woody aspects that remind of Cedar wood, and – in the fully ripened flower – a deep spicy base note, which reminds of patchouli and lovage.
maximal intensity of fragrance: mainly in the morning, evening
floribunda rose
Freifrau Caroline®
Bushy floribunda with nostalgic flowers with intense fragrance and good resistance to diseases. A new color for the collection of PARFUMA - fragrant roses.
The perfume of this rose is mainly marked by is head note. The scented and clear freshness of this note reminds of clear air after a summer rain. The sweet note of pear which reminds Williams-Christ pear, is characteristic and enchanting. It will change to a soft apple note when the blooms open. Even more fruity aspects like apricot will appear then. Classic rose scent and geranium odor create the flowery heart note.
maximal intensity of fragrance: at noon, in the evening
floribunda rose
Early flowering, popular floribunda because of its colour, abundance of flowers and its hardiness, frost-resistant.
This rose lures - in contrast to the bright yellow of its petals - with an arcane, oriental-mystic scent. Almost narcotic bewitches the impression of iris and patchouli. The scent unites with sensual-flowery aspects similar to those of jasmine or ylang-ylang. In between green notes gleam, which remind of freshly cut box tree. Fruity notes like litchi or apple put a special note on the accord. Finally the scent opens into a soft-velvety fond of vanilla and apricot.
maximal intensity of fragrance in the evening
floribunda rose
Für Elise
Intensively coloured Floribunda with nostalgic character, delightful floral scent and very double blooms. Named in cooperation with the city of Bonn on occasion of the ‘Beethoven Anniversary Year 2020’.
floribunda rose
Garden of Roses®
This floribuna has a compact growth, nostalgic flowers in an attractive colour with tender fragrance. Ideal for planting in pots and flower boxes or in small gardens. ADR® in 2009, ROTY 2011.
floribunda rose
Very intensely colored floribunda, growth habit like a shrublet. Very good for public green, an eye-catching, stable color and very high resistance to diseases. Was named in cooperation with the garden journal "Gartenfreund". ADR 2013 and other awards, like gold medals in La Tacita, Hradec and Lyon.
floribunda rose
Gartenprinzessin Marie-José
Floribunda with erect growth habit, pompon flowers and intense and fruity flower balls, high resistance to diseases. Member of the PARFUMA-collection.
The blossom of this rose lures using classy and sensual aspects of fresh-fruity and deep flowery accords. Rich in facets it presents a delicious top note of sweet, ripe raspberries, next to a distinct rhubarb note. The fresh-acerbig typical rhubarb flavour matches delightfully with the impressions of red berries, gleaming through in the heart note. Profoundly the flower presents a rounded earthy patchouli-like rose scent in the bottom note.
maximal intensity of fragrance: in the morning (+++), at noon (++), in the evening (+++)